New Year's Carol

Awake, awake, ye drowsy souls,
And hear what I shall tell.
Remember Christ the Lamb of God
Redeemed our souls from hell.
He's crowned with thorns, spit on with scorn,
The Jews have hid themselves.
So God send you all in a joyful New Year.

They bound Christ's body to a tree
And wounded him full sore;
From every wound the blood ran down
Till Christ could bleed no more.
His dying wounds they rent and tore
All covered with pearly gore.

Then Jesus He called to Thomas
And bid him come and see,
And thrust thy fingers in My wounds
Which are in My body,
And be not faithless but believe,
And happy you shall be.

Then Jesus called His disciples
And tried them over death.
He said, " All power shall be given to you
In heaven and on earth
Go forth and teach all nations
Despising you of your rest.

" Go seek every wandering sheep
As far as earth remains
Till I Myself have paid your debts
And turned you back again.
Come all you heavy laden
I'll ease you of your pain."
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