Four May Poems, IV

Be glaid, al ye that luvaris bene,
For now hes May depaynt with grene
The hillis, valis and the medis,
And flouris lustely upspreidis.
Awalk out of your sluggairdy
To heir the birdis melody,
Quhois suggourit nottis, loud and cleir,
Is now ane parradice to heir.
Go, walk upoun sum rever fair;
Go, tak the fresch and holsum air;
Go, luk upoun the flurist fell;
Go, feill the herbis plesand smell,
Quhilk will your comfort gar incres,
And all avoyd your havines.
The new-cled purpour hevin aspy;
Behald the lark now in the sky;
With besy wyng scho clymis on hicht
For grit joy of the dayis licht.
Behald the verdour fresch of hew,
Powdderit with grene, quhyt and blew,
Quhairwith dame Flora in this May
Dois richely all the feild array,
And how Aurora with visage pale
Inbalmes with hir cristall hale
The grene and tendir pylis ying
Of every gres that dois upspryng,
And with hir beriall droppis bricht
Makis the gresys gleme of licht.
Luk on the saufir firmament,
And on the annammellit orient.
Luke, or Phebus put up his heid,
As he dois rais his baneris reid,
He dois the eist so bricht attyre
That all semis birnyng in a fyre,
Quhilk comfort dois to everything,
Man, bird, beist and flurissing.
Quhairfar, luvaris, be glaid and lycht,
For schort is your havy nycht,
And lenthit is your myrry day.
Thairfoir ye welcum new this May.
And, birdis, do your haill plesance,
With merry song and observance,
This May to welcum at your mycht,
At fresch Phebus uprysing bricht.
And all ye flouris that dois spreid,
Lay furth your levis upoun breid,
And welcum May with benyng cheir,
The quene of every moneth cleir.
And everry man thank in his mynd
The God of Natur and of Kynd,
Quhilk ordanit all for our behufe
The erd undir, the air abufe,
Bird, beist, flour, tyme, day and nycht,
The planeitis for to gif us licht.
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