A Song

Come, cheer up, my lads, like a true British band,
In the cause of our country who join heart and hand;
Fair Freedom invites — she cries out, " Agree!
And be steadfast for those that are steadfast for me. "
Hearts of oak are we all, hearts of oak we'll remain:
We always are ready —
Steady, boys, steady —
To give them our voices again and again.

With the brave sons of Freedom, of every degree,
Unite all the good — and united are we:
But still be the lot of the villains disgrace,
Whose foul, rotten hearts give the lie to their face.
Hearts of oak, etc.

See! their unblushing chieftain! perverter of laws!
His teeth are the shark's, and a vulture's his claws —
As soon would I venture, howe'er he may talk,
My lambs with a wolf, or my fowls with a hawk.
Hearts of oak, etc.

First — the worth of good Cruger let's crown with applause,
Who has join'd us again in fair Liberty's cause —
Sour Envy, herself, is afraid of his name,
And weeps that she finds not a blot in his fame.
Hearts of oak, etc.

To Jauncey, my souls, let your praises resound!
With health and success may his goodness be crown'd:
May the cup of his joy never cease to run o'er —
For he gave to us all when he gave to the poor!
Hearts of oak, etc.

What Briton, undaunted, that pants to be free,
But warms at the mention of brave De Launcey?
" Happy Freedom! " said Fame, " what a son have you here!
Whose head is approved, and whose heart is sincere. "
Hearts of oak, etc.

For worth and for truth, and good nature renown'd,
Let the name and applauses of Walton go round:
His prudence attracts — but his free, honest soul
Gives a grace to the rest, and enlivens the whole.
Hearts of oak, etc.

Huzza! for the patriots whose virtue is tried —
Unbiass'd by faction, untainted by pride:
Who Liberty's welfare undaunted pursue,
With heads ever clear, and hearts ever true.
Hearts of oak, etc.
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