If You're the Man You Ought to Be

If you're the man you ought to be
You " carry fair " with ev'ry man,
You take no undermining scheme
And lay no cunning, selfish plan
By which to gain some cash or wealth,
Or reach a place that's figured high;
You'd rather have a conscience clear
Than all that wrong could give or buy.

If you're the man you ought to be
You're clean in spirit, heart and mind;
You're noble in your heart and great,
And great because you're meek and kind.
You're not a lying hypocrite,
A glitter in your outer shine;
A " cover up, " a " make believe, "
A false director by your sign.

If you're the man you ought to be
You do not curse, nor drink, nor lie;
You have a higher aim and plan
Than to exist and just get by.
You want God's blessings on your life,
And then you want to bless mankind;
You live to fill your place on earth
Where Providence to you assigned.

If you're the man you ought to be
You treat your family as you should;
You're kind at home and love your folks,
And love and bless your neighborhood.
You're honest as you deal with men,
And honest with the God you serve;
You love His church and righteous cause
And give with no unjust reserve.
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