Billy Boy

" Is she fitting for your wife, Billy boy, Billy boy,
Is she fitted for your wife, Billy boy?"
" She is fitted for my wife
As the haft is to the knife,
She's my Nancy, please-my-fancy,
I'm her charming Billy boy."

" Did she ask you to sit down, Billy boy, Billy boy,
Did she ask you to sit down, Billy boy?"
" Yes, she asked me to sit down
And she curtsied to the ground,
She's my Nancy, please-my-fancy,
I'm her charming Billy boy."

" Did she light you up to bed, Billy boy, Billy boy,
Did she light you up to bed, Billy boy?"
" Yes, she lit me up to bed
With the bowing of her head,
She's my Nancy, please-my-fancy,
I'm her charming Billy boy."

" Did she lay so close to you, Billy boy, Billy boy,
Did she lay so close to you, Billy boy?"
" Yes, she lay so close to me
As the rind upon the tree,
She's my Nancy, please-my-fancy,
I'm her charming Billy boy."
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