Adam Driven from Eden

Now bethink thee, gentilman,
How Adam dalf and Eve span.

In the vale of Abraham
Crist himself He made Adam,
And of his ribbe a fair womman,
And thus this seemly word began:

" Cum, Adam, and thou shalt see
The bliss of Paradis, that is so free;
Therin stant an appil tree;
Leef and frewt groweth theron.

" Adam, if thou this appil ete,
Alle these joyes thou shalt foryete,
And the paines of helle gete."
Thus God Himself warned Adam.

When God was fro Adam gon,
Soone after cam the feend anon;
A fals tretour he was on;
He took the tree and crep theron.

" What aileth thee, Adam? Art thou wood?
Thy Lord hath taught thee litil good.
He wolde not thou understood
Of the wittes that He can.

" Take the appil of the tree
And ete therof, I bidde thee,
And alle His joyes thou shalt see;
Fro thee He shal hiden non."

When Adam hadde that appil ete,
Alle his joyes wern foryete;
Non word more might he speke;
He stood as naked as a ston.

Then cam an aungel with a swerd
And drof Adam into desert;
Ther was Adam sore aferd,
For labour coude he werken non.
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