I Must and I Will Get Married

One morning, one morning, the weather being fine,
The mother and the daughter walked out to take the air;
And as they were a-walking this maid began to vow:
" I must and I will get married,
I'm in the notion now. "

" Oh daughter, oh daughter, 'tis hold your foolish tongue,
What makes you want to marry? You know you are too young. "
" I'm sixteen now, dear mother, and that you must allow,
I must and I will get married, I'm in the notion now. "

" Suppose you were to try, dear, and could not find a man? "
" Oh, never mind, dear mother, for there are Miller Sam.
He cals me milk and honey, goes milking of my cow,
I must and I will get married, I'm in the notion now. "

" Suppose he were to fool with you as he has done before? "
" Oh, never mind, dear mother, for there are plenty more.
For there is Jack the farmer, goes whistling to his plough.
I must and I will get married, I'm in the notion now. "
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