Delia Very Angry

Poh! did ever one see such a troublesome bear?
No, I will not get up from my seat now, I swear.
Lord! what can you mean by this pulling and teasing?
Sure, there's nothing so bad as a man without reason!
Come, prithee be quiet! For God's sake! See there!
Why, you spoil all my work and all tousle my hair.
You know it as well as myself do, or Nanny,
That this gown must be fitted by four.—Christ! how can ye?
It has put me already quite into a flurry.
Shuh! how can you do so, when one's in a hurry?
It came but this morning, you saw it brought in:
Not an hour ago I had scarce stuck a pin.
'Tis for passionate Mary, the minister's maid.
When she gave me the stuff, did you hear what she said?
What wishes she wished, and what oaths too she took,
That she'd roast me to death (and you know she's a cook)
If I was not precisely as good as my word:
For she goes to a burying.—Devil take ye!—O Lord!
Now, aren't you ashamed? Well, observe what I say:
If I speak t' ye again for six months (mark the day!),
May you call me a fool, sir, as long as I live!
Do you think one has nothing to do but forgive ?
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