Ode to Freedom
Freedom a fortress firm shall stand,
No foes combined can take;
Though cannon roar by sea and land,
Its walls no power can shake;
For it is founded on the rock,
On which our fathers stood;
Firm as the cliffs, that meet the shock
Of ocean's angry flood.
Proud Slavery's hosts inspire no fear,
Though state on state conspire,
To compass her with sword and spear,
And hurl their bolts of fire;
Though 'gainst her Capital are led
Confederate armies on,
Dishonoring the glorious dead,
The name of Washington!
Once honored men, now traitors grown,
Found faithless at their post;
No more their fathers' virtues known,
Lead on the rebel host.
In vain; for Washington still lives,
Though sleeps his noble form;
And to his sons the courage gives
To meet the battle's storm.
And once again, through all the land,
Freedom her trumpet blows;
To call her sons, on every hand,
To meet their Country's foes.
No foes combined can take;
Though cannon roar by sea and land,
Its walls no power can shake;
For it is founded on the rock,
On which our fathers stood;
Firm as the cliffs, that meet the shock
Of ocean's angry flood.
Proud Slavery's hosts inspire no fear,
Though state on state conspire,
To compass her with sword and spear,
And hurl their bolts of fire;
Though 'gainst her Capital are led
Confederate armies on,
Dishonoring the glorious dead,
The name of Washington!
Once honored men, now traitors grown,
Found faithless at their post;
No more their fathers' virtues known,
Lead on the rebel host.
In vain; for Washington still lives,
Though sleeps his noble form;
And to his sons the courage gives
To meet the battle's storm.
And once again, through all the land,
Freedom her trumpet blows;
To call her sons, on every hand,
To meet their Country's foes.
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