Mary Is with Child

Nowel! nowel! nowel!
Sing we with mirth!
Christ is come well
With us to dwell,
By his most noble birth.

Under a tree
In sporting me,
Alone by a wod-side,
I hard a maid
That swetly said,
" I am with child this tide.

" Graciously
Conceived have I
The Son of God so swete:
His gracious will
I put me till,
As moder him to kepe.

" Both night and day
I will him pray,
And her his lawes taught,
And every dell
His trewe gospell
In his apostles fraught.

" This ghostly case
Doth me embrace,
Without despite or mock;
With my derling,
" Lullay, " to sing,
And lovely him to rock.

" Without distress
In grete lightness
I am both night and day.
This hevenly fod
In his childhod
Shall daily with me play.

" Soone must I sing
With rejoicing,
For the time is all ronne
That I shall child,
All undefil'd,
The King of Heven's Sonne."
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