Life at the Lake

The green below and the blue above! —
The waves caressing the shores they love:
Sails in haven, and sails afar
And faint as the water-lilies are
In inlets haunted of willow wands,
Listless lovers, and trailing hands
With spray to gem them and tan to glove. —
The green below and the blue above.

The blue above and the green below!
Would that the world were always so! —
Always summer and warmth and light,
With mirth and melody day and night!
Birds in the boughs of the beckoning trees,
Chirr of locusts and whiff of breeze —
World-old roses that bud and blow. —
The blue above and the green below.

The green below and the blue above!
Heigh! young hearts and the hopes thereof! —
Kate in the hammock, and Tom sprawled on
The sward — like a lover's picture, drawn
By the lucky dog himself, with Kate
To moon o'er his shoulder and meditate
On a fat old purse or a lank young love. —
The green below and the blue above.

The blue above and the green below!
Shadow and sunshine to and fro. —
Season for dreams — whate'er befall
Hero, heroine, hearts and all!
Wave or wildwood — the blithe bird sings,
And the leaf-hid locust whets his wings —
Just as a thousand years ago —
The blue above and the green below.
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