Farewell to Allen University

" Tune America . "

We leave thy courts to-day,
Joyful has been our stay,
Within thy walls
Hence lie our paths apart,
Tears will unbidden start,
While we with aching heart
Shall leave thy halls.

'Twas here our wont to meet,
Fondly each other greet,
Each rising day.
United prayers ascend
For Teacher, Parent, Friend,
And joyful notes would blend
In tuneful lay.

Bright may thy glories shine,
On all who at thy shrine,
Will meekly stay.
Loudly, thy praises tell!
Loudly, Hallelujahs swell!
While we on earth shall dwell,
We homage pay.

Dear " Allen, " now to you,
Classmates and Teachers, too.
Farewell is said.
Still on that brighter shore,
When all life's cares are o'er,
We'll meet and part no more,
With Christ our head.
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