We Read of a People

1. We read of a people in ages long past, Who wished their neighbors no ill;
2. The Lord was not deaf to his people's complaints, When in former ages oppressed,
Yet were persecuted and daily harassed, And driven from mountain to hill:
But graciously promised his innocent saints, A day of salvation and rest.
These innocent souls had no lawful defense, But if persecutors now say
When this blessed season has truly begun, And God puts an end to the fray,
" Abandon your faith or we'll banish you hence, " In reason we answer them, Nay .
Must peacable men to the wilderness run? Each promise of God answers, Nay .

3. We have not the laws of a Nero to face,
Nor the horrid edicts of Rome;
This dispensation has altered the case,
And fixed us a peaceable home.
While men of sound reason are widely awake,
Asserting the rights of the day,
Must harmless believers their country forsake?
The good constitution says, Nay .

4. The law and the gospel do now harmonize,
And each has its work to perform;
To root out the gospel if wicked men rise,
The law has to scatter the storm
The gospel does honor the laws of the land,
The law does the gospel survey;
Then ask if this gospel may lawfully stand,
The law has to answer us, Yea .
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