What Glorious Vision

1. What glorious vision breaks upon my eyes?
2. Sure heaven now opens to my longing heart,
What heavenly prospect charms my raptured mind?
And gives a foretaste of those future joys,
What wondrous beauties sudden round me rise
Which its high monarch will to all impart,
As if to dissipate my doubts designed?
Who make their lives one grateful sacrifice.

3. What rapture, O my soul! the melody
Of seraph and of cherub strikes my ears,
Amid the tuneful choir I seem to be,
And listen to the music of the spheres.

4. And does my God this place for me prepare?
And will these heavenly pleasures all be mine?
Shall I the glories of immortals share?
O blest beneficence of love divine!

5. Strive, O my soul, with all thy efforts strive,
To please that gracious being who provides
These bright rewards, to him then only live,
And scorn to fix thy views on aught beside.
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