The Advance of Education
What means this host advancing,
With such melodious strain:
These men on steeds a prancing,
This mighty marshaled train.
They come while drum and fife resound,
And steeds with foam aflecked,
Whose restless feet do spurn the ground,
Their riders gaily decked.
With banners proudly waving,
Fearless in Freedom's land,
All opposition braving,
With courage bold they stand.
Come join the raging battle,
Come join the glorious fray;
Come spite of bullets' rattle,
This is enlistment day.
Hark! hear the Proclamation
Extend o'er all the land;
Come every Tribe and Nation
Join education's band.
Now the command is given —
Strike ! strike grim ignorance low;
Strike till her power is riven;
Strike a decisive blow.
With such melodious strain:
These men on steeds a prancing,
This mighty marshaled train.
They come while drum and fife resound,
And steeds with foam aflecked,
Whose restless feet do spurn the ground,
Their riders gaily decked.
With banners proudly waving,
Fearless in Freedom's land,
All opposition braving,
With courage bold they stand.
Come join the raging battle,
Come join the glorious fray;
Come spite of bullets' rattle,
This is enlistment day.
Hark! hear the Proclamation
Extend o'er all the land;
Come every Tribe and Nation
Join education's band.
Now the command is given —
Strike ! strike grim ignorance low;
Strike till her power is riven;
Strike a decisive blow.
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