'Lizabuth-Ann on Bakin'-Day
Our Hired Girl, when it's bakin'-day
She's out o' patience allus,
An' tells us " Hike outdoors an' play,
An' when the cookies's done, " she'll say,
" Land sake! she'll come an' call us! "
An' when the little doughbowl's all
Ist heapin'-full, she'll come an' call —
Nen say , " She ruther take a switchin'
Than have a pack o' pesky childern
Trackin' round the kitchen! "
She's out o' patience allus,
An' tells us " Hike outdoors an' play,
An' when the cookies's done, " she'll say,
" Land sake! she'll come an' call us! "
An' when the little doughbowl's all
Ist heapin'-full, she'll come an' call —
Nen say , " She ruther take a switchin'
Than have a pack o' pesky childern
Trackin' round the kitchen! "
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