Young Billy Crane

1. Ye gods of love, look from above on a
broken hearted maid, Who by false Cubit's burning flames and
dart that I'm betrayed. I am left behind with a
heart confined, bound down in Cubit's chain, All
by a thoughtless young man whose name was Billy Crane.

2 My name is Nellie Harrison; the truth I'll tell to you.
I'm in the prime of womanhood, just turning twenty-two.
I've been admired by earls and squires and many's the lovesick swain,
But 'twas beyond their art to gain my heart till I met young Billy Crane.

3 Now the lad that I love dearly, he's of a medium size.
His hair is light, his skin milk-white, two dark and rolling eyes.
He dresses neat from top to feet, speaks elegant and plain,
And many's the maid he has betrayed, that false young Billy Crane.

4 The last time that my love was here, 'twas twelve o'clock at night.
The wind was still, the sky was clear, each star was shining bright.
He came to my bed window, tapped lightly on the pane.
I soon arose, put on my clothes, let in false Billy Crane.

5 What passed within our room that night I never mean to say.
We kissed and hugged and talked of love until the break of day.
He promised he would marry me when he'd return again,
But never since have I sot eyes on false young Billy Crane.

6 Now, since I've learned where he has gone, much pain have I to endure.
He shipped on board of the Handover ; he's cooking there for steward.
And I hear that he has placed his mind all on some fairer dame,
And onto me has proved unkind, that false young Billy Crane.

7 Now, happy, happy is the maid that has my love ensnared!
She must have been some angel bright, all in her view appear.
She must have been neat, genteel and sweet, on her character no stain,
To interrupt my intercourse with false young Billy Crane.

8 Now, on board of some gallant ship or bark I mean to go straightway.
I just declee [majestically] in that great ark I'll rock with yielding sway.
I'll dress myself in man's attire, I'll scorn the raging main;
I mean to ride the swells and tides till I gain young Billy Crane.English
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