I' VE got my wig: — and now, thou rash Hirsutus,
Crinitus, Whiskerandos, Ogre, Bear,
Or whatsoever title please thine hair,
Why vex the bald? Why loveless thus repute us?
Sweet Shakespeare, omni nectare imbutus ,
Was bald; and he, the wise beyond compare,
Socrates, teacher of the young and fair;
And Caesar, victim of a natural Brutus!
Fresh is the bald man's head; for love so apt,
That England's gallants, in her wittiest time,
In voluntary baldness, velvet-capped,
Through reams of letters urged their amorous rhyme:
Then issued forth, peruked: and o'er their shoulders
From every curl shook loves at all their fair beholders.
Crinitus, Whiskerandos, Ogre, Bear,
Or whatsoever title please thine hair,
Why vex the bald? Why loveless thus repute us?
Sweet Shakespeare, omni nectare imbutus ,
Was bald; and he, the wise beyond compare,
Socrates, teacher of the young and fair;
And Caesar, victim of a natural Brutus!
Fresh is the bald man's head; for love so apt,
That England's gallants, in her wittiest time,
In voluntary baldness, velvet-capped,
Through reams of letters urged their amorous rhyme:
Then issued forth, peruked: and o'er their shoulders
From every curl shook loves at all their fair beholders.
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