Nacht Liegt auf den Fremden Wegen
Nacht liegt auf den fremden Wegen
Night lies on the strange, dark roadways;
Weary limbs and heart distress me . . .
Ah, sweet moon, through you my load weighs
Lighter; as your soft beams bless me.
Radiant moon, your gentle wonder
Sends Night's ancient terrors reeling;
All my fears are torn asunder,
And the happy tears come healing.
Night lies on the strange, dark roadways;
Weary limbs and heart distress me . . .
Ah, sweet moon, through you my load weighs
Lighter; as your soft beams bless me.
Radiant moon, your gentle wonder
Sends Night's ancient terrors reeling;
All my fears are torn asunder,
And the happy tears come healing.
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