To Mr. Pope
Three times I 've read your Iliad o'er:
The first time pleas'd me well;
New beauties unobserv'd before,
Next pleas'd me better still.
Again I try'd to find a flaw,
Examin'd ilka line;
The third time pleas'd me best of a',
The labour seem'd divine.
Henceforward I 'll not tempt my fate,
On dazzling rays to stare,
Lest I should tine dear self-conceit,
And read and write nae mair.
Three times I 've read your Iliad o'er:
The first time pleas'd me well;
New beauties unobserv'd before,
Next pleas'd me better still.
Again I try'd to find a flaw,
Examin'd ilka line;
The third time pleas'd me best of a',
The labour seem'd divine.
Henceforward I 'll not tempt my fate,
On dazzling rays to stare,
Lest I should tine dear self-conceit,
And read and write nae mair.
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