A Fielde Songge

Then was ther a fielde offe flowers kwipped I stoode
As the winde blewe withe tail hucked uppe my eares
Hupped the flowers yo-inggee Thou Thou Thou Thou Thou
Andde the winde yiddered and skiddered thum byne
Hushkintered thum straytened briskely butte sadde
Lyke beautifull nunns thum wer withe clipped heades
Twall theether boddyes benntte the samme tyme trickle
The samme sorrowe crew andde mourned thum beautye.

Smuckling fielde wher pumpkins orangely whallphered
Slappe ripely fatte thum friars lazy synners.
Wer laughinge nowdies tidyskipped sprawfrocks
Nudge the laughinge erth Ohe ye patatboyes
The warmcome erth the sild malm that joketh
The fiddlestringe corne God yes nowe howlle Thou Thou.
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