Hymn to the Morning

Awake my Soul, and with the constant Morn,
Carol th'ALMIGHTY's Praise; awake and tune
The vocal Shell to sympathetic Sounds,
And heav'nly Consort. See! the radiant Sun
Stains with etherial Gold the varied East ,
And vast Expanse; behold! with Giant stride
He' advances ruddy, and with him returns
The sweet Vicissitude of Day, and all
Th'obsequious Train of filial Colours. Now
The vivid Green extends her welcome Sway
O'er the sequester'd Lawns, and smiling Meads:
And now the purpled Violet resumes
Its costly Dye; and all th' extended Plains
Confess th'ALMIGHTY's Hand, of Ornament
Profuse. Behold! with fleshy Pink they smile
Enamel'd, and the Daisy 's dwarsy Bloom
Of pallid Hue, and gorgeous Marygold .

On ev'ry grassy Sprig a pearly Drop
Hangs wav'ring, and with varied Ray proclaims
Its great Progenitor. The liquid Gem,
Pendent and tremulous, with rival Gleam
Mimicks the Lustre of its Parent Orb.
Vain Man's best Emblem! who with B ORROW'D L IGHT
Which E V'RY Touch D ESTROYS , against his GOD
Dares wage an impious and gigantic War.

From downy Nest of artificial Weft
The sedulous Airlings rise, and to their Task
Hye joious. Or with gamesome Wing they cut
The yielding Fluent, and with transient Touch
Skim the moist Element in sportive Whirl:
Or else to studious Wand'rer's curious View
Delightful, they collect their grainy Food
And masticative Stones. But heark! the Grove,
Respondent to the tuneful Choir, resound
Celestial Symphony. The speckled Thrusb
Of various Note, and Blackbirds piercing Sound,
Conjoin'd to Philomela 's parting Lay,
Mournfully sweet, conspire to usher in
The pompous Morn. Nor shall my only Voice
Be wanting in the general Hymn: Of Song
Unskilful, yet with grateful Hand I'll touch
The trembling String, and chant th'ALMIGHTY's Praise,
Vagrant, like the industrious Bee, I'll cull
Nature's choice Sweets, and still with prying Ken
Descry the Wonders of her fruitful Womb.

But see! the great Exemplar of my Verse,
The Lab'rer Bee, assiduous rise! Behold!
From waxen Cell and more inglorious Ease,
Active he hastens, and with hov'ring Buzz
Extracts mellisic Juice. From Bloom to Bloom
He wanders dainty, and with nice Discern
Rejects each vulgar Sweet. Hail, mighty Chief!
Hyblaean Wand'rer, hail! Still may'st thou sip
The pure and elemental Dews; whilst I,
With daring Song, and more advent'rous Foot,
Attempt the steepy Heights, where M ILTON first,
Great Chieftain, solitary trod; and taught
The list'ning World, what M ICHAEL'S potent Arm
In Fight could do, and human Wit atchieve.
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