Clergyman's Reflections on hearing of the Death of one of his pious Parishoners. Dec. 5. 1750


One more of my Dear Flock is gone
T' appear before th' Eternal Throne,
And pass the grand decisive Test:
" Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. "
Surviving Friends with Tears entrust,
There 'til the General Doom to rest.


The Soul, dismiss'd from cumb'rous Clay,
Expatiates in eternal Day,
And with the Great Immortals dwells:
The Dawn of Immortality
With Scenes unknown surprize the Eye,
And Wonders vast and new reveals.


Thus while I'm dreaming Life away,
Or Books and Study fill the Day,
My Flock is dying one by one;
Convey'd beyond my warning Voice,
To endless Pains, or endless Joys,
For ever happy, or undone!


I too 'ere long must yield my Breath;
My Mouth for ever shut in Death;
Nor sound the Gospel Trumpet more:
Then may I, while they're in my Reach,
With Fervuor pray, with Fervour preach,
And eager catch the flying Hour!


Almighty Grace! my Zeal enflame;
Oh! free me from this sluggish Frame;
And fire my Breast with vig'rous Love.
Oh! teach me that divinest Art,
To reach the Conscience, warm the Heart,
And all the tender Passions move.


Then when I must resign my Trust,
And at Thy Word relapse to Dust,
Undaunted I shall meet Thy Throne;
Joyful present, without a Spot,
The Children by Thy Word begot,
And hear Thy Voice pronounce, " W ELL DONE . "
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