Penitential Sorrows
W ITH bleeding Hearts, and gushing Eyes,
With deep Repentance and Surprize,
We take a tedious, sad Survey
Of Sins of Heart and Lip and Way.
Early we left the sacred Road
That leads to Bliss, prescrib'd by God ,
And rashly run a long Career
Toward the dark Regions of Despair.
Our very Nature's all unclean,
All ruin'd and desil'd by Sin:
And filthy Currents from that Source
Have flow'd with an incessant Course.
The God that taught our Lungs to heave,
And still gives Rebels Leave to live;
Whose Bounties have perpetual flow'd;
Ah! we have griev'd that Gracious God .
The Terrors of the fiery Law
Could not alarm our Hearts with Awe:
Nor would these stubborn Hearts be won
Ev'n by the Gospel of the S ON .
Our guilty Ears heard all around
His melting Invitations sound;
And J esus too, with Groans and Blood,
Such unrelenting Rebels wood'd.
And yet we live! amazing Grace!
Nor yet quite desperate in our Case;
The Saviour still, with heav'nly Charms,
Stands calling Sinners to his Arms.
J ESUS ! we yield! no more, no more
Will we offend Thee, as before,
Here, L ORD ! submissive at Thy Feet,
We for Thy sovereign Pleasure wait.
O Thou Almighty, injur'd Name!
O'crwhelm'd with Grief, and flush'd with Shanie,
Prosrrate before Thee, see we lie!
Frown us not from Thee, left we die.
O may that Blood we once could slight
Wash our polluted Spirits white!
Then shall Thy Praise sound loud in Heav'n
For guilty Worms on Earth forgiven.
W ITH bleeding Hearts, and gushing Eyes,
With deep Repentance and Surprize,
We take a tedious, sad Survey
Of Sins of Heart and Lip and Way.
Early we left the sacred Road
That leads to Bliss, prescrib'd by God ,
And rashly run a long Career
Toward the dark Regions of Despair.
Our very Nature's all unclean,
All ruin'd and desil'd by Sin:
And filthy Currents from that Source
Have flow'd with an incessant Course.
The God that taught our Lungs to heave,
And still gives Rebels Leave to live;
Whose Bounties have perpetual flow'd;
Ah! we have griev'd that Gracious God .
The Terrors of the fiery Law
Could not alarm our Hearts with Awe:
Nor would these stubborn Hearts be won
Ev'n by the Gospel of the S ON .
Our guilty Ears heard all around
His melting Invitations sound;
And J esus too, with Groans and Blood,
Such unrelenting Rebels wood'd.
And yet we live! amazing Grace!
Nor yet quite desperate in our Case;
The Saviour still, with heav'nly Charms,
Stands calling Sinners to his Arms.
J ESUS ! we yield! no more, no more
Will we offend Thee, as before,
Here, L ORD ! submissive at Thy Feet,
We for Thy sovereign Pleasure wait.
O Thou Almighty, injur'd Name!
O'crwhelm'd with Grief, and flush'd with Shanie,
Prosrrate before Thee, see we lie!
Frown us not from Thee, left we die.
O may that Blood we once could slight
Wash our polluted Spirits white!
Then shall Thy Praise sound loud in Heav'n
For guilty Worms on Earth forgiven.
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