To the Most Noble, Judicious, and my Best Beloved Lorde, William Earle of Pembrooke
To the most noble, iudicious, and my best beloued Lorde, William Earl of Pembroke: the most honorable Sir Robert Sidney Knight, Lord Gouernor of Vlishing; and the right right worshipful Edward Herbert of Mountgomery Esquire, my most honored and respected Friendes
T O subdiuide Soules indiuisible
(Being wholy in the whole, and in each part)
For me were more then most impossible,
Though I were Arte it selfe, or more then Arte.
Yet must I make my Soule a Trinitie,
So to diuide the same, betweene you three,
For Vnderstanding, Will, and Memorie,
Makes but one Soule, yet they three Virtues be
The Vnderstanding being first , I giue
Vnto the first , ( for Order so doth craue )
And Will (Good-will) the second shall receiue ,
Then Memory the last shall euer haue .
And as I part my Soule, my Booke I part
Betwixt you three, that shares my broken hart
All yours wholy, and to
you most humbly
T O subdiuide Soules indiuisible
(Being wholy in the whole, and in each part)
For me were more then most impossible,
Though I were Arte it selfe, or more then Arte.
Yet must I make my Soule a Trinitie,
So to diuide the same, betweene you three,
For Vnderstanding, Will, and Memorie,
Makes but one Soule, yet they three Virtues be
The Vnderstanding being first , I giue
Vnto the first , ( for Order so doth craue )
And Will (Good-will) the second shall receiue ,
Then Memory the last shall euer haue .
And as I part my Soule, my Booke I part
Betwixt you three, that shares my broken hart
All yours wholy, and to
you most humbly
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