To the Right Honorable and Loiall-harted Lord the Earle of Clanricard

Ovr English Crowne's approued Irish frend ,
That raign'st in our true loue for such thy truth ,
Let thine owne rare perfections thee commend;
For, perfect praise perfection still ensu'th.
I never was so happie as to see thee,
Much lesse to knowe thee, whom I longe to see :
But, in thy predecessor did fore-see thee;
For, if Fame fable not, much like you bee.
To add then to thy glory more bright beames ,
Loue His , thy other-selfe , with deerest Ioue;
For shee hath martir'd bin with greefe's extreames,
Deere Innocent , whose vertues all approue.
Her loue to thee doth argue thy hie worth
Then loue such loue , that setts thy glory forth.
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