Sith Rest, and Labour weares this Life away

Sith Rest , and Labour weares this Life away:
(For, Rest doth toile, as Toile doth fatigate)
Sith Payne , in Laboure stirres, and rests in Play:
(For, Laboure paines That, Rest doth satiate)
What Maruell though the Hoast of Animalls
Do (groning) longe to bee Life dispossest:
Sith their whole Pow'r by Natures forces falles
Into the life of Laboure , Death of Rest .
Then how should Man but longe to leaue that Stage
Where Paine doth plaie in Rest , and Rest in Payne
Sith Rest's his Home, and Payne's his Pilgrimage.
Who cannot rest, where hee cannot remayne?
 It then remaines that wee this Life detest
 Sith it doth rest in Toile, and toile in Rest!
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