The Powder Monkey

Work ceased and the men left the cutting,
The shift for that day being done,
But two of the gang at the working
Stayed back when the others had gone.

Buck Collins was talking to Porter
About the result of a shot,
Tom thought it the best in the cutting,
Buck said that was all " tommy rot " .

The charge was no good, it was dirty,
A mere waste of good dynamite,
A pop that would lift but a handful,
And not worth the trouble to light.

Tom Porter declared it a good one
With nothing to stop it, he said,
From tearing, he'd bet a half caser,
That was if Buck wasn't afraid.

Buck made him the bet and they waited
To see which opinion was right,
'Twas left to the old Powder Monkey,
Who came in the fuses to light.

She'll just blow it out from the collar,
'Twon't go more than three yards away,
Buck said, " You have lost your half caser " ,
Tom Porter said, " Have I? — Good day! —

We're just a bit close " , then he added,
" She's got a good load on her back,
The country is hard but she'll lift it
Sky high, let's get out of her track. "

The monkey dodged round the great cutting,
Each fuse in its order he fired,
Then came to the blast in discussion,
The last one before he retired.

He stooped, and the fuse was ignited,
Then turning round quick to retreat
Stepped on a long loose jutting fragment,
Dislodging a shelf at his feet.

Then losing his balance fell forward,
Pinned down by a slab on his knee,
The call to Eternity waiting,
With face to the fuse spitting free.

The two men were quick in responding,
As disciplined navvies all are,
They ran, and with masterful action,
The bar of Tom Porter was there.

The hold on the rock where it should be,
Buck's mighty lift in on to time,
A spar with grim death and a victory,
My God! but the technique was fine.

And pretty it was to see Porter,
Exchange the long bar for the man,
And then like swift running water,
With gliding steps outward they ran.

Just like a sick child the old monkey,
Was carried with athletic stride,
Two long withy forearms beneath him,
Two mountains of muscle beside.

They ran with the man up the cutting,
But when thirty paces away,
The rock fell in tons all around them,
A miracle happened that day.

The two men escaped with small bruises
And cuts that were trivial and light.
" I'm into you Buck, a half caser " ,
Cried Porter, " She did tear all right " .
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