To the Royall, Ingenious, and All-Learned Knight, Sr Francis Bacon
To the royall ingenious, and all learned knight Sr Francis Bacon
Thy bounty and the Beauty of thy Witt
(Comprisd in Lists of Law and learned Arts
Each making thee for great Imploiment fitt
Which now thou hast (though short of thy deserts)
Compells my Pen to let fall shining Inke
All to bedew the Baies that deck thy Front
And to thy health in Helicon to drinke
As to her Bellamour , the Muse is wont:
For thou dost her embozom; and, dost
Her company for sport twixt graue affaires.
So vtterest Law the liuelyer through thy Muse
And for that all thy Notes are sweetest Aires
My Muse thus notes thy worth in eu'ry Line,
With yncke which thus she sugers; so, to shine.
Thy bounty and the Beauty of thy Witt
(Comprisd in Lists of Law and learned Arts
Each making thee for great Imploiment fitt
Which now thou hast (though short of thy deserts)
Compells my Pen to let fall shining Inke
All to bedew the Baies that deck thy Front
And to thy health in Helicon to drinke
As to her Bellamour , the Muse is wont:
For thou dost her embozom; and, dost
Her company for sport twixt graue affaires.
So vtterest Law the liuelyer through thy Muse
And for that all thy Notes are sweetest Aires
My Muse thus notes thy worth in eu'ry Line,
With yncke which thus she sugers; so, to shine.
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