To the Most Bountiful House-Keeper and Deservedly Beloved Thomas Farmer Esquire
To the most bountiful house-keeper and deseruedly beloued Thomas Farmer Esquire
The more like God men bee, the better men;
And God's most glorious in His helpfull grace:
If so such goodnes makes thee glorious then,
On whome all men do feede in wretched case:
God is thy Land-Lord, thou His farmer art;
Yet Hee's thy husbandman and takes thy part.
The more like God men bee, the better men;
And God's most glorious in His helpfull grace:
If so such goodnes makes thee glorious then,
On whome all men do feede in wretched case:
God is thy Land-Lord, thou His farmer art;
Yet Hee's thy husbandman and takes thy part.
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