Angel-Like Man, An
An Angel like Man.He which (prouokt) endures, as borne to beare;
and lookes alike in greatest weale and woe;
That so lones good , that ill he nought doth feare;
and ebbes in Minde when Fortunes most doe flow .
That bounds Desire with lesse than he enioyes:
(for, onely nothing's lesse then Nature needes)
That holds all Vertues deare; all else by toyes;
and, meekely, scowres Prides rust, from his bright deeds .
That's better than hee seemes , yet seemes the best :
but, without scandall , seekes to seeme the worst:
That, quell'd with Crosses, thinks him highly blest;
and, for the Blisse of all, would dye accurst:
In summe: that would doe all that All should do
For loue of All: this Man's an Angell too .English
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