M ADONNA mia! if in truth
Our Raphael from heaven's palaces
Might lean across the centuries
That have not marred his glorious youth,
Nor dimmed the lustre of his hair,
Nor dulled his pencil, rather grown
Diviner, working near God's throne,
Even he might find a study fair.
As his last fresco in the skies,
Might pause untouched of mortal taint
One infinite half hour to paint
The motherhood in your dear eyes.
Our Raphael from heaven's palaces
Might lean across the centuries
That have not marred his glorious youth,
Nor dimmed the lustre of his hair,
Nor dulled his pencil, rather grown
Diviner, working near God's throne,
Even he might find a study fair.
As his last fresco in the skies,
Might pause untouched of mortal taint
One infinite half hour to paint
The motherhood in your dear eyes.
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