His Courts

Pleasant are thy courts above,
In the land of light and love,
Pleasant are thy courts below,
In this land of sin and woe;
Oh, my spirit longs and faints
For the converse of thy saints,
For the brightness of thy face,
King of glory, God of grace.
Happy souls, their praises flow
Even in this vale of woe;
Waters in the desert rise,
Manna feeds them from the skies;
On they go from strength to strength,
Till they reach thy throne at length,
At thy feet adoring fall,
Who hast led them safe thro' all.
Lord, be mine this prize to win,
Guide me thro' a world of sin;
Keep me by thy saving grace,
Give me at thy side a place.
Sun and shield alike thou art,
Guide and guard my erring heart,
Grace and glory flow from thee,
Show'r, oh, show'r them, Lord, on me.
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