The Song of Bida

B IDA , Bida drinks honey-horeevka
Not one day, not two days, not one night only

The Sultan of Turkey has come to-day —
" What are you doing, young fellow, pray? "

" I drink, " said Bida, " not one day only,
Not two days, no — and my night's not lonely. "

" If you stop drinking I pledge my oath
My daughter to you shall plight her troth. "

" She is not comely enough to see.
Faugh! Your religion is not for me. "

" Ho there, my men! Just take this wretch,
Put a hook in his ribs and give him a stretch. "

O not one day, not two days only,
Not one night hangeth Bida lonely.

The Doub-tree seeth the Sultan come:
" Ha, Bida, art thou then quite dumb? "

" Nay, " said the rogue, " I see two trees,
Two pigeons perching at their ease.

" Your bow and arrow lend, " quoth he,
" And you shall sup right daintily. "

The weapon Bida's right hand nears —
The Sultan's pierced between the ears.

Freed, he has shot the Sultan's wife,
Nor will he spare the daughter's life.

" This was a king once, " Bida cries,
" But see how stiff and cold it lies!

" Well, as for me, I surely think
That I deserve another drink. "

Bida, Bida drinks honey-horeevka
Not one day, not two days, not one night only.
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