The Hebrew Alphabet
Come , my little Hebrew lad,
On thy task look not so sad.
Only learn it, and thou'lt feel
Writing is in prayer to kneel;
Writing, in His sacred tongue,
Words His holy prophets sung;
Writing out the law bequeathed
Unto Moses, when He breathed,
Near the burning bush, the Word
Then as now, " I am the Lord. "
First we'll learn to spell the name
Sinai heard in clouds and flame.
Write the Aleph — every sign
Let thy pen with love design.
Aleph is bright Eden's token,
Ere our race by sin was broken.
Daleth follows in the spell
Loved in Heaven, feared in Hell.
Aleph , Daleth , lowly now
On our bended knees we bow,
Ere unto the Holy Rune
We append the closing Nun .
Adon Adon , clap your hands,
Hills! while joy elates the lands;
Once more write, and with a Yod ,
Tremble at the name of God!
God with whom none others vie,
God of Israel! Adonai.
On thy task look not so sad.
Only learn it, and thou'lt feel
Writing is in prayer to kneel;
Writing, in His sacred tongue,
Words His holy prophets sung;
Writing out the law bequeathed
Unto Moses, when He breathed,
Near the burning bush, the Word
Then as now, " I am the Lord. "
First we'll learn to spell the name
Sinai heard in clouds and flame.
Write the Aleph — every sign
Let thy pen with love design.
Aleph is bright Eden's token,
Ere our race by sin was broken.
Daleth follows in the spell
Loved in Heaven, feared in Hell.
Aleph , Daleth , lowly now
On our bended knees we bow,
Ere unto the Holy Rune
We append the closing Nun .
Adon Adon , clap your hands,
Hills! while joy elates the lands;
Once more write, and with a Yod ,
Tremble at the name of God!
God with whom none others vie,
God of Israel! Adonai.
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