Lover .
M AIDEN , whom I fain would woo,
Tell me truly—what canst do?
Nay—a moment let the lute
That just won my ear be mute,
Nor inflame my soul again
With thy voice's siren strain
Speak me calmly—speak me true;
Candour thou shalt never rue.
I can reckon and can read,
Deftly say my prayers and creed,
In the church know when to kneel,
And will neither lie nor steal;
Thus far have been reared in ease,
Learning chiefly how to please,
And with song and merry smile,
Hours of sadness to beguile.
Lover .
This is well, but not enough
Life is made of sterner stuff;
From the altar dateth bliss,
From it too oft wretchedness
Ask thy heart if it feel sure
Thou canst care and want endure—
Sorrow also—nor repine
At the lot that made them thine.
If my will and power I knew,
Me thou wouldst not seek to woo;
Were my virgin soul not wax,
Which life's stern impression lacks,
Waiting till Love's mystic seal
Stamp its fate for woe or weal,
Thou wouldst find the yow a curse,—
“Take for better or for worse.”
Lover .
Sweeter honey yield thy lips
Than the bee from clover sips,
Sweeter tones than thrill thy lute
Breathes thine answer to my suit;
Canst thou not divine my fate,
Whether bright or desolate?
Speak! for if deceived in thee,
Life and Love must bankrupt be.
Ere a charger thou dost buy,
Thou canst all his paces try;
Buy him—and if good he'll grow
With the grace thy hands bestow.
Yet the jockey's cunning task
May his imperfections mask;
If his value thou wouldst know,
Must upon a journey go.
M AIDEN , whom I fain would woo,
Tell me truly—what canst do?
Nay—a moment let the lute
That just won my ear be mute,
Nor inflame my soul again
With thy voice's siren strain
Speak me calmly—speak me true;
Candour thou shalt never rue.
I can reckon and can read,
Deftly say my prayers and creed,
In the church know when to kneel,
And will neither lie nor steal;
Thus far have been reared in ease,
Learning chiefly how to please,
And with song and merry smile,
Hours of sadness to beguile.
Lover .
This is well, but not enough
Life is made of sterner stuff;
From the altar dateth bliss,
From it too oft wretchedness
Ask thy heart if it feel sure
Thou canst care and want endure—
Sorrow also—nor repine
At the lot that made them thine.
If my will and power I knew,
Me thou wouldst not seek to woo;
Were my virgin soul not wax,
Which life's stern impression lacks,
Waiting till Love's mystic seal
Stamp its fate for woe or weal,
Thou wouldst find the yow a curse,—
“Take for better or for worse.”
Lover .
Sweeter honey yield thy lips
Than the bee from clover sips,
Sweeter tones than thrill thy lute
Breathes thine answer to my suit;
Canst thou not divine my fate,
Whether bright or desolate?
Speak! for if deceived in thee,
Life and Love must bankrupt be.
Ere a charger thou dost buy,
Thou canst all his paces try;
Buy him—and if good he'll grow
With the grace thy hands bestow.
Yet the jockey's cunning task
May his imperfections mask;
If his value thou wouldst know,
Must upon a journey go.
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