A Free-Parliament Letany

To the Tune of, An old Souldier of the Queens:


More Ballads; — — here's a spick-and-span new Supplication;
By Order of a Committee for the Reformation,
To be read in all Churches and Chappels of this Nation,
Upon pain of Slavery, and Sequestration.
From Fools and Knaves, in our Parliament-free Libera nos Domine .


From those that ha' more Religion, and lesse Conscience than their Fellows;
From a Representative, that's fearfull and jealous;
From a starting Jadish People, that is troubled with the yellows ,
And a Priest that blows the Cole — — (a Turd in the Bellows.)
From Fools and Knaves, &c.


From Shepheards, that leade their Flocks into the Briers;
And then, Fleece 'um. — — From Vow-breakers , and Kingtryers:
Of Church and Crown-lands from both Sellers and Buyers:
From the Children of him, that's the Father of Lyers .
From Fools and Knaves, &c.


From the Doctrine and Discipline of now, and anon;
Preserve us , and our wives: from John T. & Saint John
Like Master, like Man, every way but one:
The Master has a large Conscience and the Man has none.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From Major Generals, — — Army-Officers; and that Phanatique Crew:
From the Parboyl'd Pimp Scot; and from Good-face the Jew:
From old Mildmay , that in Cheapside mistook his Queue ,
And from him that won't Pledge — — give the Devil his due .
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From long-winded Speeches, and not a wise word,
From a Gospel-Ministry setled by th' Sword,
From the Act of a Rump , that stinks when 'tis stir'd;
From a Knight of the Post , and a Cobling Lord ,
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From all the Rich People that ha' made us Poor;
From a Speaker that creeps to the House by a Backdore:
From that Badger Robinson , (that limps, and bites sore:)
And that dog in a doublet Arthur , — — — that will do so no more.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From a certain Sly Knave with a Beastly name:
From a Parl'ment that's wilde, and a People that's tame:
From Skippon, Titchbourne, Ireton , — — — and another of the Same;
From a Dunghill Cock, and a Hen of the Game.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From all those that sate in the High Court of Justice;
From Usurpers, that stile themselves the Peoples Trustees;
From an old Rump in which neither Profit nor Gust is;
And from the recov'ry of that which now in the Dust is.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From a back-sliding Saint, that pretends t' Acquiesce;
From crossing of Proverbs (let 'um Hang that confess)
From a Sniveling Cause in a Pontifical dress:
And two Lawyer's with the Devil, and his Damm in a mess.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From those that trouble the Waters to mend the Fishing;
And fight the Lord's Battels, under the Devill's Commission:
Such as eat up the Nation, while the Government's a Dishing,
And from a People when it should be Doing stands Wishing.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From an everlasting Mock-Parliament; — — and from none ,
From Straffords Old friends, — — Harry, Jack and John .
From the Sollicitor's Wolfe Law, deliver our King's Sonne:
And from the Resurrection of the Rump that is dead and gone .
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From Foreigne Invasion and Commotions at Home,
From our present Distraction, and from worse to come:
From the same hand again, Smectymnuus or the Bumme:
And from taking Geneva in our way to Rome .
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From a Hundred thousand pound Tax, to maintain Knaves and Whores:
(But it is well given to These, that turn'd Those out of Dores)
From undoing our Selves, in plastring old Sores:
He that set them awork, let him pay their Scores.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From Saints, and Tender-Consciences in Buff;
From Mounson in a Fome; and Haslerig in a Huff;
From both Men and Women that think they never have Enough.
And from a Fools Head that looks through a Chain and a Ruff.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From those that would divide the Gen'ral and the Citty;
From Harry Martins Whore , that was neither Sound nor Pretty;
From a Faction, that ha's neither Brain nor Pitty;
From the Mercy of a Phanatique Committee.
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

Preserve us good Heaven from intrusting those,
That ha' Much to Get, and Little to Loose;
That Murther'd the Father , and the Son would Depose.
(Sure they cann't be Our Friends, that are their Countrey's Foes,)
From Fools and Knaves, &c.

From Bradshawe's Presumption, and from Hoyle's Despairs;
From rotten Members; blinde Guides; Preaching Aldermen; and false May'rs;
From Long Knives, Long Eares, Long Parliaments, and Long Pray'rs,
In mercy to this Nation, — — — Deliver us and our Heirs .
From Fools and Knaves, &c. Libera nos Domine .English
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