Song to John Campbell, Banker

Banker John Campbell,
hale may I see thee,
thou upholder of kinship
in whom greatness inhereth;
who, with thy free, manly heart,
hast all others excelled,
in many affairs,
beyond the multitude's ken.
Thou hast received an honour,
rare among British folk —
a gold-stocked bank put under thy sway,
by the title of office;
its contents, not a trifle,
minister to thy dignity,
being at the disposal of thy hands
and amenable to thy word.

Thou art a rider of snorting steeds,
the daintiest steppers,
whose natural prancing
is measured and stately;
in the saddle of racers,
with their dual reins fitted,
thou couldst win every race
that sped over the course.
The headstrong, sturdy horses,
would be big-framed and shapely,
and spirited, mettlesome,
with their galloping gait;
with close-nailed horse-shoes,
frisky, fiery and limber,
high-headed, sharp-eared,
and gallant indeed.

This was thy choice of arms —
the new circular targe
with close-set small bosses,
yellow, studded, firm, cunningly wrought;
sword of the silver hilt,
hard, sturdy, and rigid;
a thin, keen, back blade
held fast in thy fist;
with a primed, swift-acting pistol,
whereof the cock would be ready
and the spark not delayed,
but flashing responsively;
then powder, hard-grained, explosive,
in a dead true barrel,
gripped in thy smooth white hands;
and a slender, blue musket withal.

Thou couldst be an army commander
in time of warfare or stress,
as a man of courage and valour,
versed in all tactics,
who acquired learning and style
with gay humour to match,
great genius added to wisdom
enriching his mind.
When the court was in session
or when the bench would be doubled,
in course of trial or judgment
the truth of thy pleas would prevail;
an able expounder thou art in debate,
felicitous in language,
who wouldst win every suit,
and stand by the right.

'Tis thy mirth was decorous,
kindly, urbane,
when gentlemen gathered
to drink in thy company;
with welcome and greeting
wouldst thou bid forward
each one of the folk
that had claim to be nigh thee,
and dukes, yea the grandest
to be seen in Britain;
in truth and by testimony,
thou couldst consort with a king,
gay gallant, the kindest
that ever stepped on the ground,
clad in the dress,
that was rich in gold braid.

Hat and wig in the mode
become thee full well,
ornately prepared
in the popular style:
wavy, bright-tinted,
full of twirls and coils,
spiralled all round,
in superlative beauty;
every lock, as thou dost wish,
twined in shapely form,
auburn-hued, copious, thick,
without a sign of scantiness;
ringlety, braided,
compact, yellow-curled, soft,
as brave as the head gear
of any in Europe.

'Tis thy clear, frank face,
was kind with good nature,
slender eyebrows without frown,
charming eye of rare beauty,
fair countenance like mountain down,
of most delicate hue;
smooth and pretty thy cheek,
like the tips of roses;
there is no beauty in others
but deferreth to thee in points;
comely, graceful, erect,
trim, right handsome art thou;
round, symmetrical calf
tapering down to thy heel;
from crown to shoe, no fault
doth spring up in thee.

Wise thy reflections
with high purpose and prudence;
thou hast clear, acute understanding,
and thy comments are apt;
thou art untouched by aught
beneath the sun, that I am aware of,
of sorrow, decline or concern
detrimental to thee.
Many talents now are thine,
numerous, various diverse —
knowledge and insight, affection, esteem —
a flower thou art, in the midst of jet;
nobility doth revel
with ardour in thy nature;
humble and friendly,
clannish and kind thou art.

This would be found in thy hall
white wine of fine hue,
clear liquor without lees,
and wholesome to quaff;
the party would be intent
on cheer and revelry,
good-will prevailing the while,
as they fell a-drinking,
in the house that was great in substance,
and counteth not visitors burdensome —
'tis affection and kindness pervade it;
cup, glass, pewter ware,
candlesticks of silver,
fierce blaze from the wax
throughout thy whole mansion —
all in ample profusion.

Thy desire of musicians
was the bag-pipe, loud, shrill,
with its jubilant skirl,
fast as fingers could flit;
tripping, gay tunes,
right nobly composed,
in the glorious hall,
surpassing in treasure;
violins, with fresh melody
continuous, galloping;
bare, round, brown chanters
that would raise lively strains;
and the ever elegant harp
of melodious note:
and when thou madest request for music,
thou wouldst not stint the fee.

There's many a place where thou hast a friend,
enquiring for thee on all sides,
in the south and the north,
showing all respect due:
the famed Duke of Argyll,
victorious army commander
of proven firm hand,
to whom much was entrusted;
the renowned earl whose heritage
is possession of Taymouth Tower,
who with his clansmen did rout
the cold men of Caithness;
and Lord Loudon of slim-girthed steeds,
commander-in-chief of fild forcesw,
who had the honour of command
where the heroes were victorious.

There are many other features
I would not conceal at this time,
that endow thee with virtue
which all thy life will endure;
royal blood showeth
ablaze in thy cheek,
uplifting thy spirit
with infinite joy;
stability and vision
combine in thy person.
Thou jovial provider of bounty,
glad tidings to cheer me 't would be,
if I were to see thee to-morrow
invested with the crown,
amid rejoicing and pomp,
instead of King George.
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