Meditations in Trouble

O How is my Distressed Soul perplext
With overwhelming Sorrows! Ah, how vext
With daily Troubles, hurry'd to and fro!
I know not where to stay, or where to go,
To find some ease, or to avoid my Grief;
From this false World I cannot find Relief.
Alas, alas, that which Afflicteth me
Is Thoughts, how I have oft rejected thee,
Most Gracious Lord, when thou Invited'st me,
With other Weary'd Ones, to give us Rest,
And Consolation at thy tender Breast.
But, ah, incline thine Ear to this my Cry,
Grant me thy Quick'ning Presence, or I dye.
Though in Obscurity I have been hid,
And as in Crooked Paths oft wandered;
Some Glimpse of Light is surely broken in,
Which gives to see the Loathsomness of Sin:
Yea, through thy Goodness, I begin to know
Thou'rt Rich in Mercy, and to Anger slow:
Lord, speak the Word, that so I may be heal'd,
Knowing thy Holy Life in me reveal'd.
Ah, let thy Heav'nly Fear always in me
Abound, Salvation is alone of thee.
For, tho' thy Righteous Law I have transgress'd,
And oft despised Knowledge, like the Beast,
That hath no Understanding; thou didst please
T'engage thy self, That if a Sinner cease
From his past Wickedness, and fervently
Do unto thee, Great King, for Mercy cry,
So that thy Holy Precepts he obey,
And walk sincerely in thy Living Way;
Thou, by thy Prophet, Lord, wert pleas'd to give
Thy Princely Word, He shall not Dye, but Live .
Encouraged hereby, my panting Soul
Cries unto thee, that thou would'st make me whole;
Thou only Author of true Living Faith,
That hast subdu'd the Pow'r of Hell and Death,
And overcome the World: Ah, lighten me,
That I may know thy Way, and follow thee;
Bearing the Daily Cross, and find that Power,
Which is to the Redeem'd a Refuge-Tower;
And so enjoy Eternal Peace with thee,
Thou taking up thy bless'd Abode with me,
That I may sing thy Praise Eternally.
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