HYMN 94. The Dawn of the Latter-Day Glory

W REATH'S Tune .

Praise him that made you, all ye isles,
Let every nation join the song;
Give thanks for your Creator's smiles,
Redemption will not tarry long.
Cho. Shout! for the Lord the Saviour's come ;
Let all the nations make him room.

Thus his glorious march begins,
Before him loud hosannas sound,
And save his people from their sins,
And break the chains that bind them round.
Cho. Shout! &c.

His chariot wheels of living fire
Fly through the heav'ns, and burn their way
Through all that checks his grand desire
To spread the light of heav'nly day.
Cho. Shout! &c.

Array'd in robes of morning light,
The glorious Conqu'rer sits on high;
And " King of kings," by sov'reign right,
And " Lord of lords," adorns his thigh.
Cho. Shout! &c.

The glorious rainbow round his head
Mercy and truth at once displays;
And peace and justice round him spread
Their radiant arms in close embrace.
Cho. Shout! &c.

Omnipotence is his bright bow,
His Father's will employs his hand;
His polish'd shafts of love strike through
The souls to endless life ordain'd.
Cho. Shout! &c.

But when his mighty bow he draws
To make his persecutors smart,
Those rebels that despise his laws
Shall feel his arrows in their heart
Cho. Shout! &c.
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