The Bee Hive

I was so bashful with our Sis
I never asked her for a kiss,
Though I would give, one kiss to snatch,
My finger rings, besides my watch.
My cousin Jack was not so shy
And he would kiss when I was by
And say to Sis: " The red birds hush
To see that tender Joseph blush! "

'Twas by St. Georges at her home
We robbed the bees of honey and comb,
We smoked their hives and Jack upset
A bee hive on us and our pet;
They stung but Sis, twice on the thumb,
She screamed; " Go, Jack, get camphor some! "
Smoke in her eyes, sting in her paw,
She put at me that thumb, stung raw;
What could I do — the lovely thing —
But from her thumb suck out the sting?

I sucked that thumb with lips and tongue
As I sucked mine when baby-young;
" O, what relief! " said Sis, the saint,
And went right off, as in a faint,
Her face so close, with beauty fraught,
I took one kiss — and I was caught.
In my dismay another smack
I gave to take that small one back —
And this time I was caught by Jack.

" I do not camphor need, " said she,
" Jerome applied a remedy. "
She shut her eyes without constraint;
I almost thought myself to faint.
" Enough of this, " said Jack, the bold,
" Do not presume my girl to hold! "
Said Sis: " His holding is but just —
The timid kiss is what I trust. "

O, how the bees then went for me!
Their stings were buzzing melody.
I let them sting, as brave as dumb,
For Sis held out her sovereign thumb:
I sucked, while Jack left in a foam,
The honey off the honeycomb.
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