His Resurrection and Ascension

Trembling earth gave awful sign;
Down from heav'n a form divine
Flash'd; the lightning of his look
Terror in the soldiers strook.

Angel, roll the rock away,
Death yield up thy mighty prey:
See! He rises from the tomb,
Glowing with immortal bloom.

'Tis the Saviour! Angel, raise
Fame's eternal trump of praise:
Let the world's remotest bound
Hear the joy-inspiring sound.

Shout, ye saints, in rapt'rous song,
Let the strains be sweet and strong:
Shout the son of God, this morn
From his sepulchre new-born.

Hail, victorious Jesu, hail;
On thy cloud of glory fail
In long triumph through the sky,
Up to waiting worlds on high.

Heav'n displays her portals wide,
Glorious hero, through them ride;
King of glory, mount the throne,
Thy great father's and thy own.

Pow'rs of heav'n, Seraphic Fires,
Sing, and sweep your golden lyres:
Sons of men, in humbler strain,
Sing your mighty Saviour's reign.

Ev'ry note with wonders swell,
Sin o'erthrown and captiv'd hell:
Where is hell's once dreaded king?
Where, O Death, thy mortal sting?
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