
God reigns: Events in order flow,
Man's industry to guide;
But in a diff'rent channel go,
To humble human pride.

The swift not always, in the race,
Shall seize the crowning prize:
Not always wealth and honour grace
The labour of the wise.

Fond mortals but themselves beguile,
While on themselves they rest.
Blind is their wisdom, weak their toil,
By thee, O Lord, unblest.

Go, husbandman, the soil prepare,
Cast in the precious grain.
To thee belongs the sun, and air?
Dost thou command the rain?

Ye crafty, scheme your winding way,
God shall confound your skill:
Know, time and accident obey
His all-directing will.

Evil and good before him stand,
His mission to perform:
The blessing comes at his command,
At his command the storm.

O Lord, in all our ways we'll own
Thy providential pow'r;
Intrusting to thy care alone
The lot of every hour.
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