Collonel Vennes Encouragement to His Souldiers

Collonel Vennes Encouragement to his Souldiers


Fight on brave Souldiers for the Cause,
Fear not the Cavaliers,
Their threatnings are, as sencelesse as
Our jealousies and fears.
'Tis you must perfect this great Work,
And all Malignants slay,
You must bring back the King again
The clean contrary way.

'Tis for Religion that you fight,
And for the Kingdoms good,
By robbing Churches, plundering them,
And shedding Guiltlesse blood.
Down with the Orthodoxal Train,
All Loyal Subjects slay,
When these are gone, we shall be blest
The clean contrary way.

When Charles we have made Bankrupt,
Of Power and Crown bereft him,
And all his Loyal Subjects slain,
And none but Rebells left him,
When we have beggar'd all the Land,
And sent our Trunks away,
Wee'le make him then a Glorious Prince
The clean contrary way.

'Tis to preserve his Majesty,
That we against him fight,
Nor ever are we beaten back,
Because our Cause is right.
If any make a scruple at
Our Declarations, say
Who fight for us, fight for the King
The clean contrary way.

At Keinton, Brainsford, Plymouth, York ,
And divers Places more,
What Victories we Saints obtain,
The like nere seen before.
How often we Prince Rupert kill'd,
And bravely wonne the day,
The wicked Cavaliers did run
The clean contrary way.

The true Religion we maintain,
The Kingdoms Peace and Plenty,
The Priviledge of Parliament,
Not known to One of twenty.
The antient Fundamental Laws,
And teach men to obey
Their lawfull Soveraign; and all these
The clean contrary way.

Wee, Subjects Liberties preserve
By Imprisonment and Plunder,
And do enrich our selves and State,
By keeping th' Wicked under,
Wee must preserve Mechanicks now,
To Lectorize and pray,
By them the Gospel is advanc't
The clean contrary way.

And though the King be much misled
By that Malignant Crew,
Hee'le find us honest at the last,
Give all of us our due.
For we do wisely plot, and plot
Rebellion to allay,
He sees wee stand for Peace and Truth
The clean contrary way.

The Publique-Faith shall save our Souls,
And our good Works together,
And Ships shall save our Lives that stay
Only for Winde and Weather.
But when our Faith and Workes fall down,
And all our Hopes decay;
Our Acts will bear us up to Heaven
The clean contrary way.
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