Ode to a Jacobin

Unchristian Jacobin whoever,
If of thy God thou cherish ever
One wavering thought; if e'er His Word
Has from one crime thy soul deterred:
Know this,
Thou think'st amiss;
And to think true,
Thou must renounce Him all, and think anew.

If startled at the guillotine
Trembling thou touch the dread machine;
If, leading sainted Louis to it,
Thy steps drew back, thy heart did rue it:
Know this,
Thou think'st amiss;
And to think true,
Must rise 'bove weak remorse, and think anew.

If, callous, thou dost not mistake,
And murder for mild mercy's sake;
And think thou followest pity's call
When slaughtered thousands round thee fall:
Know this,
Thou think'st amiss;
And to think true,
Must conquer prejudice, and think anew.

If when good men are to be slain,
Thou hear'st them plead, nor plead in vain,
Or, when thou answerest, if it be
With one jot of humanity:
Know this,
Thou think'st amiss;
And to think true,
Must pardon leave to fools, and think anew.

If when all kings, priests, nobles hated,
Lie headless, thy revenge is sated,
Nor thirsts to load the reeking block
With heads from thine own murderous flock
Know this,
Thou think'st amiss;
And to think true,
Thou must go on in blood, and think anew.

If, thus, by love of executions,
Thou prov'st thee fit for revolutions;
Yet one achieved, to that art true,
Nor would'st begin to change anew:
Know this,
Thou think'st amiss;
Deem, to think true,
All constitutions bad but those bran new.
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