O sonna, O della cheta, umida, ombrosa

" Tired Nature's sweet restorer!" child of Night!
Happy oblivion of all mortal woes —
The mourner's comforter — the poor's delight —
Friend of the sick and wretched — Calm Repose!
Come to me Sleep! my burning eye-lids close,
And to my heart and brain some respite lend;
Quiet my tortured limbs, and still those throes,
Whose agonies to every nerve extend.
Come to me Sleep! with healing on thy wings,
Come Darkness Peace and Silence too with thee,
And the bright dream that from light slumber springs
Giving fresh spirits to the " fancy-free". ...
Alas! my prayer no rest or pity brings
To my hard couch — O! weary night for me!
Author of original: 
Giovanni Della Casa
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