The Three Salutes

I hail you, Brother, in the place
 Where none but those should meet
Whose types are bended knee and brow,
 And the uncovered feet;
I take you by the grip, expressing
 All that heart can feel,
And I pledge myself to be to you
 A Brother TRUE AS STEEL !

I've watched with real joy your quest,
 So ardent and so rare,—
Your bold, unflinching gaze upon
 The things we most revere;
I've seen that nothing daunts you
 In the paths our Lights reveal;
And I pledge myself again to you,
 A Brother TRUE AS STEEL !

I think there's that within you
 Only needs for time to show,—
Will kindle up a flame, where others
 Only feel a glow;
I think the grave will claim you
 As a Mason ripe and leal;
And so once more I pledge myself
 A Brother TRUE AS STEEL !
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