Jo Ideje Lement A Nap

All the earth is wrapped in shadows,
And the dews have drenched the meadows,
And the moon has ta'en her station,
And the midnight rules creation.
Where is my beloved staying?
In her chamber, kneeling, praying.
Is she praying for her lover?
Then her heart is flowing over.
My beloved! is she keeping
Watch, or is she sweetly sleeping?
If she dream, her dreams are surely
Of the one she loves so purely.
If she sleep not, if she pray not,
If to listening ear she say naught—
Thought with thought in silence linking,
O, I know of whom she 's thinking!
Think, O think of me, sweet angel,
Rose of life, and love's evangel!
All the thoughts that melt or move thee
Are like stars that shine above thee;
And while shining, to the centre
Of thy spirit's spirit enter,
And there light a flame supernal—
Like eternal love, eternal.
Author of original: 
Alexander Petöfi
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