What's in a Name

Once on a time, where jewels flashed
And rose-hid fountains softly plashed,
And all the air was sweet and bright
With music, mirth and deft delight —
A courtly dame drew, smiling, near
A poet, greatest of his time,
And chirped a question in his ear
With voice like silver bells in chime:
" Good Master Shakespeare, I would know
The name thy lady bore, in sooth,
Ere thine? Nay, little while ago
It was, for still we see her youth.
Some high-born name, I trow, and yet
Though I have heard it, I forget. "
Then answered he,
With dignity,
Yet blithely, as the hour was gay
" Ann Hathaway. "
" And good, sweet sir, " the dame pursued,
Too fair and winsome to be rude —
" 'T is hinted here, and whispered there,
By doughty knights and ladies fair,
That — that — well, that her loyal lord
Doth e'en obey her slightest will.
Now, my good spouse, I pledge my word,
Though loving well, doth heed me ill.
Her witchery I pray thee tell, "
She pleaded, with a pretty frown,
" I fain would know what mighty spell
Can bring a haughty husband down. "
Flushing, she raised her eager face
To his, with merry, plaintive grace.
Then answered he,
With dignity,
Yet blithely, as the hour was gay;
" Fair lady, I can only say,
Ann hath a way. "
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