Close ranks more near!
Grasp tighter shield and spear!
Upon the Trojan strand
The Grecian heroes land.
For Agamemnon leads them on the shore,
Here where two continents have met for war.
Yet wait! on Western Main
Two worlds have met again!
And Agamemnon as of old leads Europe's force anew,
And not to part the continents; but make a one of two,
And draw the mystic line of life between.
Grasp tighter shield and spear!
Upon the Trojan strand
The Grecian heroes land.
For Agamemnon leads them on the shore,
Here where two continents have met for war.
Yet wait! on Western Main
Two worlds have met again!
And Agamemnon as of old leads Europe's force anew,
And not to part the continents; but make a one of two,
And draw the mystic line of life between.
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